Do you want a career in IT? You must know! - IDstar - IT Consulting Jakarta

Do you want a career in IT? You must know!

Do you want a career in IT? You must know!

Do you want a career in IT? You must know!

Technology is increasingly developing over time, making human resources in the IT field will also increase. Almost everyone, business, the mechanism in the world needs sophisticated technology that will really help even make things that were complicated become simple. This makes this company in the technology / IT field offer various positions and types of jobs that you can apply for according to your abilities and interests!

Well, are you interested in a job in the IT industry? There are several things that you must pay attention to and prepare before applying!

1.Soft Skills and Hard Skills

All jobs require soft skills and hard skills, but of course, each job has different qualifying skills. Soft skills and hard skills are important at this time. If hard skills are the ability that a person has to perform a certain task, then soft skills are the personality possessed by that person that affects the work environment. So, make sure you have both of them!


For now, if we look at the qualifications of a job vacancy, we often see “having min 1-year experience in the field …”. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates that “only 33% of jobs in the United States require a college degree”. From this, we see that most companies pay attention to their focus on experience and training in the appropriate field. To get more experience before you start working, maybe you could be from an organization while on campus, become freelance, or take an internship to add to your experience!

3.Relations / Networking

In addition to building a network/relationship with people, in the world of IT networking is an important point because networking can enable a person to adapt quickly to their work environment. By having these networking skills, in addition to a wider relationship, it is possible for you to know when someone needs services and expertise within you. So that you can be a “SOLUTION” for him.


A portfolio is a collection of documentation of the development of a process in achieving one’s goals. Not a few of the novice programmers just make works without documenting it. Even though a portfolio can be an extra point when you conduct interviews while working. So, from now on, don’t forget to document the work you have created for your portfolio!


A diploma is very important for all existing jobs. Why is a diploma so necessary? Because a diploma is a valid evidence that shows that a person has actually graduated from an educational institution.


Certificates are also mandatory for those of you who want to work in the IT field because this is where the company can find out what training you have participated in and can see what abilities you have. You can get this certificate in various ways, from online to offline, from free to paid. The more sophisticated the certificate you have, the greater your job opportunities will be.

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