4 Types of Cloud Computing

type cloud computing

The need for data is very important in the IT world, especially for companies or startups engaged in technology and digital. For this reason, it is necessary to have a container or a place to store various information and data in a large capacity. To deal with this, a new breakthrough has been created by utilizing an internet network called cloud computing. Here are 4 Types of Cloud Computing you have to know

The term is certainly familiar to internet media users. So, many use cloud-based storage, rather than using conventional-based storage. For those who don’t know what cloud computing is, we will provide explanations starting from understanding, to how it works.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is a term from English which means cloud computing. For the term ‘cloud’ is a metaphor from the internet. So, the real definition of cloud computing is a process of processing computing power systems, through an internet network that connects one computer device to another computer, at the same time.

So, cloud computing itself is also included in the technology that makes the internet a center of server for managing user data. By using cloud computing, you don’t need to install an application manually, and make it easier to access information via the internet.

Examples of the use of cloud computing

Apart from the various services, cloud computing provides its users with a series of functions, such as:

  • Email for example Zimbra Mail service
  • Storage, backup, retrieval of data
  • Create and test applications
  • Analyze data
  • Streamingaudio and video

Cloud computingis considered a relatively new service, but has been used by a variety of companies ranging from small to large corporations, companies or government ministries, and even individual users.

Not only that, cloud computing also has services such as language processing, artificial intelligence, and standard programs at work. Anyway a service that doesn’t require you to be physically in front of hardware such as computers and laptops.

How Cloud Computing works

Each cloud computing variant has the same two factors in general, namely the data center that is outside and must have the internet to access it. The server resources in this data center are pooled to create a very large platform ready to accommodate virtual services.

These collected resources are organized to be flexible, so that users can access more storage space if needed. Likewise, resources that are not being used will be released back into the cloud when they are no longer needed.

This on-demand use of resources offers almost unlimited scalability and flexibility. The reason is, your needs for cloud computing are constantly changing or dynamic.

The function of cloud computing

There are many functions that cloud computing has, in the following we summarize the three main functions of using cloud computing to help user activities.

1. Increase data storage capacity

By using cloud computing, the storage capacity will be greater than when you use storage on a device such as a flash disk, hard disk, and so on. Cloud technology can store your various information with the help of internet media.

So your information will be stored in internet databases that use big data technology. An example of using cloud-based storage, is Google Cloud.

2. Improve stakeholder performance

The second function, by using cloud-based storage, will make the performance of each stakeholder in a business more productive and optimal. Where, each team or department can be connected to each other at the same time and can save existing resources.

3. Get regular system updates (up to date)

This third function is an advantage and characteristic of cloud computing. Where, to overcome the various deficiencies that exist and keep up with the development of trends in the era of digital-based technology, the system will continue to periodically update the database.

UpdateIt aims to increase security, then improve features to provide a better experience to internet users around the world. Thus, each storage process becomes safer, more effective, and has high credibility.

Cloud Computing type based on the service

Cloud computingis not a piece of technology like a microchip or a cell phone. Instead, it is a system that consists primarily of three services: software-as-a-service (SaaS), infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS), and platform-as-a-service (PaaS).

  1. Software-as-a-service(SaaS)involves a software application license to its users. These licenses are usually granted via pay-as-you-go or on-demand methods. This type can be found in Microsoft Office’s 365
  2. Infrastructure-as-a-service(IaaS)involves a method for sending a file from the operating system to servers and storage, via IP-based connectivity as part of on-demand services. So clients don’t have to buy software or servers. Popular examples of this type are Public Cloud from Indonesian Cloud and Microsoft Azure.
  3. Platform-as-a-service (PaaS)touted as the most complex. PaaS is almost similar to SaaS, but the biggest difference is, instead of sending software online, PaaS is actually a platform for creating software that is sent over the internet. Examples from PaaS such as Salesforce.com and Heroku.

Types of cloud computing technology

After knowing the meaning and function of cloud computing, then enter into the types or types of cloud computing technology. When viewed from the system usage or access rights, cloud computing is divided into four types, the following is an explanation.

1. Public cloud

Public cloud computing is the storage of any data and information on internet media with a service model that uses public access rights. Which means, you can use every feature and service for free and do not require a fee.

An example of public cloud computing itself is social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, and others. Then, on email-based services, are Gmail, Yahoo, and Hotmail. However, the public cloud also has weaknesses, namely a security system that is easily hacked and takes the user’s personal data for sale.

2. Private cloud

Private cloud is the use of cloud technology for the benefit of an organization or company that is private. Usually, it is used for business needs to make it easier and faster to connect communication between teams.

For its own application, it can only be used by stakeholders in the same company or organization. Therefore, private cloud computing has a better security system than public cloud computing.

3. Community cloud

Community cloud is a cloud-based storage system that is used for the benefit of a community or institution. Community cloud can be managed internally or using the help of third parties, so as to minimize costs incurred and can be borne by both parties.

4. Hybrid cloud

Hybrid cloud is a combination of private and public cloud computing, where this service is usually applied to an institution. This service is also included in Business to Business (B2B) and Business to Consumer (B2C).

The advantages of using cloud computing

Cloud computingnot just being able to access files remotely. Thanks to cloud computing, users can check email on any computer, or even store and access files from anywhere like Dropbox or Google Drive.

Therefore, companies that use the cloud can cut costs significantly. Before the cloud, companies had to buy, own, build their own management information technology (IT). On the other hand, with the cloud, companies only need a central server and IT division to ensure that their internet is fast and stable, so that their employees can interact with the cloud online.

Cloud allows employees to save storage space on laptops or computers. When there is a software or program that needs updating, just download it without using traditional methods such as using a disc or flash drive.

For example Adobe, users can access the application via Creative Cloud with a subscription model. This allows its users to download the latest version and repair the program more easily.

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